source: Driessen archive - digital
archivaris: Andreas Driessen op ten Bulten
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11-34) Northampton:
a) summary dated 16-6-1781 whereby Mary Boulton widow of Samuel Tebbutt of the town of Northampton surviving
daughter of Philip Braducy of the town Northampton and Milicent his wife, previously has boroughed £ 200 with
interest from Joseph Tite gentleman of Hartwell park in parish of Hartwell in county of Northampton with security land
in the south end quarter of Northampton with thereupon 5 messuages. However she had not paid interest where
upon Tite demanded payment. Mary Boulton found Joseph Peath woolstapler of the town of Northampton to lend her
£ 200 to pay off Tite and to lend her a further £ 100 making it total £ 300 against 5% interest. [Northampton-1]
b) document dated 6-4-1791 whereby Thomas Trasler gentleman of Northampton has sold for £ 340 to Francis Evans
a piece of land in parish of Collingtree otherwise Collingtrough on the inclosure of Collingtree streets, bounded on
1 side by the south east of Turnpike road. Land was owned by his father late Thomas Trasler baker of Harlstone in
county of Northampton [he was married to Hannah]. [Northampton-2/h]
c) summary dated 24-6-1814 whereby James Smith, gardener of Northampton and his wife Ann, and his mother
Elisabeth Smith widow of William Smith now married to Francis Johnson, have sold for £ 106 and 10 shillings a
piece of land north or northwest side of Northampton nearby now dissolved Saint Andrews monastry, to George
Fox, cabinetmaker of Northampton and his trustees. [Northampton-3]
d) summary dated 23-1-1858 whereby James Branfield yeoman late of the bprough of Northampton but now of Loys
Weedon in county of Northampton has boroughed £ 670 against 5% interest from Thomas Howes gentleman of the
borough of Northampton with security piece of land with 6 messuages thereupon in Brunswick street in the borough
of Northampton, occupied by George Baker, John Wallington, Charles Terrell, David Forokes, John Berrill and John
Sutton. [Northampton-4]
e) summary dated 25-11-1865 whereby James Branfield, yeoman of Northampton, had boroughed on 16-8-1864
£ 330 from Thomas Howes, gentleman of Northampton, with security land and houses in Brunswick street at
Northampton. Thomas Howes died 22-12-1864, his nephew Richard Howes became sole inheritor and required
£ 150 from James Branfield. Richard Gallard was asked to advance that amount to Richard Howes, whereupon
part of the mortgage was transferred to Richard Gallard. In 1876 that sum was paid back to Gallard. [Northampton-5]
f) summary d.d. 21-5-1870 whereby Richard Howes gentleman of Northampton borrows £ 350 from William Vialls,
in return Richard Howes transferred to William Vialles part of a £ 1000 mortgage with security a bakehouse, yard
and other buildings southside of Brunswick street in Northampton in occupation by Richard Sutton. [Northampton-6]
g) summary dated 29-9-1876 whereby James Branfield yeoman of the town and county of Northampton, has bought
and paid off £ 500 from John Crofts farmer of Lawford near Rugby in county of Warwick and his wife Charlotte
Atterbury [who married at st. Thomas church Coventry 12-12-1866] for land and 6 messuages situated in parish of
st. Giles in borough of Northampton in Doverstreet 4-14 occupied by George Simons, Richard Timbs, Thomas Sha-
kesfield, James Ward, Thomas Taylor and James Webb and also for a garden occupied by Robert Norman and 2
messuages in Market street late occupied by Robert Norman on nr. 117 and William Tipler on nr. 115. [Northampton-7]
h) summary dated 14-12-1893 whereby John Chettle gentleman of Potterspury in county of Northampton has trans-
ferred to William Whitton genbtleman of Ipwester in county of Northampton after receiving £ 1600 against James Bran-
field gardener of town and county of Northampton what he had boroughed before from John Herbert Atterbury and
Jane Biggs in 1876 which was transferred to John Chettle in 1885. Security for that loan was 6 messuages in saint
Giles in town of Northampton Doverstreet 4-14 build by Robert Barlow. Three messuages in Markelstreet 115-119
Northampton. Nine messuages in Brunswick street 23-39 Northampton. Further public house with Bakehouse yard
and outbuildings in Brunswick and Dover street and another 3 messuages on Doverstreet 25-29. The sum would be
paid off by James Branfield 1894-1897. [Northampton-8]