

part 24 - Driessen archive - hospitals in other countries during WW1

source: Driessen archive - digital

archivist: Andreas Driessen op ten Bulten


cannot show the archive images, however photo's of them are available, for a small fee [$/euro 2.50 each, payment via paypal]

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► 24) hospitals in other countries during WW1



►►► 1) Budapest - view of nurses, staff and officers - photo by Schubernig - photo postcard postmarked Klagenfurt 1915. [24-00301a/b] 


►►Czech republic

►►► 1) Brno [Brünn] hospital - send 28 Jan. 1916 from Brno to Trebitsch - brown coloured postcard - view of a ward. [24-00101a/b]



►►► 1) Aachen - view part of building, nurses, staff and wounded soldiers - photo postcard postmarked October 1915. [24-00221a/b]

►►► 2) Alzey - view of nurses, doctor, staff and soldiers - envelope and photo postcard by R. Does postmarked April 1915. [24-00225a/d]

►►► 3) Appenweier - hospital medic barracks in construction with workers and nurses - photo postcard postmarked Nov. 1914. [24-00227a/b]

►►► 4) Bad Nauheim villa Bismark club hospital - view part of building, nurses and soldiers - photo postcard postmarked Nov. 1916. [24-00222a/b]

►►► 5) Bad Salza Thuringen - view of part building, nurse and soldiers - photo postcard postmarked July 1918. [24-00220a/b]

►►► 6) Bensheim - view of ward - photo by Ferd. Schmidt, Hofphotogr., Haupstrasse 6, Bensheim - postmarked Sept. 1915. [24-00203a/b]

►►► 7) Crefeld lazarett Birmesdyc[...] - view of building, nurse and soldiers - postmarked Oct. 1914. [24-00212a/b]

►►► 8) Duisburg reservelazarett - view of ward with nurses and soldiers - photo postcard postmarked Dec. 1914. [24-00207a/b]

►►► 9) Erlangen hospital - view of ward with nurse and wounded soldiers - photo postcard by S. Katz marked Jan. 1917. [24-00209a/b]

►►► 10) Frankfurt [Main] - view of ward with wounded soldiers - photo postcard postmarked Nov. 1914. [24-00211a/b]

►►► 11) Frankfurt [Main] - view of ward with wounded soldiers - photo postcard postmarked Sept. 1917. [24-00229a/b]

►►► 12) Hannover - view of part building with nurses, staff and wounded soldiers - photo postcard marked March 1918. [24-00218a/b]

►►► 13) Ilsenburg - view of group with nurses, orderlies, doctors - photo postcard postmarked Febr. 1916. [24-00204a/b]

►►► 14) Kaiserslautern reserve hospital - view "Rohnschule" room nr. 12 with nurses and staff - photocard by Fritz Hartmann photograph,

                       Kaiserslautern marked Jan. 1916 with envelope. [24-00206a/d]

►►► 15) Karlsruhe red cross "reservelazarett" abteilung VI Lehrerseminar Bismarckst.19 - photo frontdoor. [24-00201a/b]

►►► 16) Karlsruhe - view part of building, nurses and soldiers - photo postcard by H. Schmeiser - written July 1915. [24-00223a/b]

►►► 17) schloss Langenstein [town Orsingen in Baden] - graflich Douglaschen vereins lazarett - view of patient soldiers and nurses - written by grafin

                       Ellen as help sister [she could well be on the photo] - photo postcard postmarked October 1914. [24-00217a/b]

►►► 18) Lauscha - view entrance hospital steps with nurses, staff and soldiers - photo postcard postmarked September 1916. [24-00226a/b]

►►► 19) Lubeck - view of ward with wounded soldiers - photo postcard postmarked August 1915. [24-00219]

►►► 20) Mannheim hallway hospital with 6 nurses, 2 doctors and orderly - photo postcard marked June 1916. [24-00208a/b]

►►► 21) Neuburg a/d Donau "reservelazarett - view of building with nurses, staff and soldiers - photo postcard - postmarked Apr. 1915. [24-00213a/b]

►►► 22) Neuwied - view part building with nurses, staff and wounded soldiers - photo postcard - postmarked May 1918. [24-00205a/b]

►►► 23) Rudolstadt - view part building with nurses, staff and soldiers - photo postcard - postmarked March 1918. [24-00214a/b]

►►► 24) Schachen [Bayern] -view part building with nurses, staff and soldiers - reserve lazarett - photo postcard written July 1916. [24-00216a/b]

►►► 25) Schwenningen [Neckar] - view part building with nurses, staff and wounded soldiers - photo postcard - postmarked Febr. 1915. [24-00210a/b]

►►► 26) Schwiegenhausen - view part building with nurses, staff and soldiers - photo postcard - postmarked ww1. [24-00215a/b]

►►► 27) Trier - view of ward with wounded soldiers - 2 photo postcards - ww1. [24-00230a/d]

►►► 28) Weinstein [Wuerzburg] - outside view with nurses and wounded soldiers - photo postcard potmarked October 1916. [24-00228a/b]

►►► 29) Zabern reserve lazarett 6 - ward with catholic nurses and soldiers - photo postcard by A. Bockmann - postmarked Febr. 1916. [24-00224a/b]

►►► 30) WW1 German casualty clearing station unknown location - photo postcard. [24-00202a/b]



►►► 1) Schweidnitz, Swidnica - naval hospital part building with nurses, staff and wounded military - photo postcard written July 1915. [24-00401a/b]

►►► 2) Stettin, Szczecin - view part hospital building with nurses, staff and wounded soldiers - photo postcard written December 1915. [24-00402a/b]