

deel IXe - Driessen archief - documents Australia South-Australia

source: Driessen archief - digital

archivist: Andreas Driessen op ten Bulten

scans available, against a small fee

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IXe-1) Adelaide:

     a) administration 22-5-1872 from will of Friend Elisha Colyer, surgeon, late of Adelaide, who died on 4th of

         february 1868 in favour of his son Lewis James Henry Colyer. [Adelaide-1a/f]

     b-1) original Freemason card dated 23-7-1923 of Talunga Lodge no. 115 whereby rev. H.A. de la Rue

         request company of bro. W.E. Grigg (of Gawler) of the consecration of the lodge and installation of the

         W.M. at Masonic temple at Gumeracha. [Adelaide-2]

     b-2) document dated 24-4-1931 possible for W.E. Grigg requesting information, who filled in that he was

         member of Gawler Mark Lodge and Fidelity no. 5. [Adelaide-3]

     b-3) original card dated 3-6-1931 of Mostyn Lodge no. 18 S.A.C. requesting bro. W.E. Grigg company, by

         installation of master-elect bro. A.W. Guthridge, at Masonic temple, North Terrace. [Adelaide-4]

     b-4) original card dated 29-10-1931 The Bankers Lodge no. 134 requesting bro. W.E. Grigg company and

         officers by installation of master-elect at the Freemasons Hall, North Terrace. [Adelaide-5] 


IXe-2) Gawler:

     a-1) by-laws 1913 of the Gawler Lodge of Mark Masons no. 14. [Gawler-1a/f]

     a-2) original Lodge of Fidelity no. 5 dated 12-4-1932 as installation of bro. F.E. Barkla, S.W. at Masonic

        temple, Lyndoch road, Gawler, including 1932 list of Officers inside Toast list, whereby shown that W.E.

        Grigg I.P.M. Wpl. bro. was. [Gawler-2a/b] 


IXe-3) Port Adelaide:

     a) certificate of discharge 19-11-1869 from The Marine Board for D.B. Wiltshire, 1st mate, date of entry 14

         june - date of discharge 19 nov. from Port Adelaide, name ship Gulnare - port of registry Adelaide -

         burthen 152 - very good conduct/seamanship. [Port-Adelaide-1]


IXe-4) Port Pirie:

     a) letter 1936 from Thos. Bowden & Son timber and iron merchants to Girle Yelarbon Q - regarding possible

         trade in Cypress and Hoop Pine. [Port-Pirie-1]